Kind Quote
True kindness is the ability to see kindness in all others.
David Jamilly
13th November every year
Help to spread kindness and help make the world a kinder place
Kindness UK is an independent, not-for-profit organisation with the goal of making kindness a greater part of everyday life. Since 2007 Kindness UK has been promoting the positive benefits of kindness to health, overall wellbeing, community, nature and the environment.


Dornoch Firth 3-18 Campus Friendship Benches
August 2024
Recycled plastic ‘buddy’ friendship kindness benches chosen by students at both Dornoch and Bonar primary schools.

These were as a result of a bursary from Kindness UK.

Please click here to see more.

Slemish College awarded KindnessUK School of Year 2024
June 2024
Slemish College have been awarded KindnessUK School of Year 2024

Congratulations to all students, teachers, staff, parents and associates for this amazing achievement.

Please click here to see the kindness higlights.

King Charles's Easter message calls for kindness and friendship after double cancer shock
April 2024
By Emily Ferguson, Express
King Charles will stress the importance of friendship "especially in a time of need" in his first public address since the Princess of Wales revealed she was undergoing cancer treatment.

The monarch’s pre-recorded message will be broadcast in his absence at a Royal Maundy service in Worcester Cathedral on Thursday, which the Queen will lead.

He will say how Jesus set an "example of how we should serve and care for each other", and how as a nation "we need and benefit greatly from those who extend the hand of friendship to us, especially in a time of need".

Please click here to read the full article on

Keble School Again Receive 'Kind School' Accreditation 2024
April 2024
Well done to all staff, pupils, teachers, parents and associates for again achieving the Kindness UK 'Kind School' accreditation.

"I wanted to share with you the past 6 months and some of the kindness initiatives at Keble. We have continued to take part in regular fundraising activities and since our last update in July here are some of the charities we have supported.

Anti-bullying week in November where the children wore odd socks to highlight the fact that we should respect people’s differences and treat everyone with kindness."

Please click here to see more.

Kind Acts
Scotland/UK 17:20:44

Whilst shopping in our local shopping centre I noticed a young man leave his wallet and phone on a bench. I quickly caught up with him and gave it him back. He was unbelievably thankful and even offered to buy me and my children lunch which I kindly declined. It is always good to help people!

Oldham/UK 09:22:49

My new neighbor is a 20 year old kid who just left home. We got talking and it turns out that after he moved in his flatmate ran out on him leaving him with an empty home and a pile of bills. He said he was going to have to quit college and move back in with mom and dad. I felt sorry for him because I had to do similar when i was his age so the next day I went shopping. Using some "bargain" websites I know I spent £40 and got him £200 of food and house warming gifts and had it delivered. He later fessed up that it gave him just enough time and space to find a new flatmate who pays their rent in advance so no more running out on bills! To this day he doesn't know it was me.

Lubbock/US 19:38:03

My co-worker brought me liver and onions to eat for lunch today. She cooked it last night and remembered how much I like it. She is awesome!

Sebastian/United States 22:20:02

A few months ago I learned of a little domestic bunny being kept in a very sad, dirty, and neglectful environment. Having 3 cats, I had no intention of getting a bunny but wanted to at least rescue her from the environment she was in. Well, we named her Annabelle and very quickly fell in love with her - and now we have a bunny! I've litter-trained her, she gets along great with our cats, and she gets lots of love and attention everyday. She is so sweet and playful and it warms my heart to see how happy she is now!

London/UK 10:20:15

I was buying by breakfast this morning when I realised I was 20p short. I was about to leave when I heard a voice say "How much do you need?". Without a second thought he handed me the money. It was so kind and I will be thinking about it all day and every time I go into that coffee shop. Thank you stranger, we need more people like you in the world.

Lewes/UK 15:41:40

I gave some money to our Big Issue seller. I told him I didn't need the magazine but that he could have the money anyway. He's always so cheerful, even when it's raining, and has a nice singing voice so it's a pleasure to help.

San Francisco/USA 05:30:56

I gave a care package to a mentor/friend who was about to undergo surgery. Very least I could do for someone who has done so much for me, and is one of the few people who I can confide in. Since then I've checked up on her via text to see how she's doing.

London/Uk 00:53:03

I've been looking through the Internet tonight and see so many bad things that are happening and that people do to each other. It's easy to despair. Reading this website reminds me that there is lots of good in the world, and seeing the good deeds people do makes me want to be a better person. Keep spreading the love.

Cavan/Ireland 00:17:11

Mom found two pups in a plastic bag on side of road still alive. Took them home and they all happy now and found a new home. :)

Maidstone/England 12:52:43

Today on my walk I came across a big dog poo in the middle of the path, I picked it up and put it in the bin even though it was not from my dog.

Tynemouth/United Kingdom 21:01:23

I found a wallet with driving licence and bank cars and took it round to young man's house

London/England 11:37:11

I was travelling on the London underground this weekend and I saw a lady standing in front of me looking down at her foot. It was red and sore from her shoe. I searched my purse for a plaster and handed it to her. She was very grateful and it felt good to help a stranger in need. A man next to me saw this and told me how nice it was and wished me a good day. Kindness is contagious!

Taney Town/USA 15:20:04 today i took a friend to his dr appt because his license is no good,then after that we helped redirect a mother duck and 6 ducklings across the the street.they waddled over a sewage drain and 4 fell through ..with the help of a.nice cop, they were retrieved.Now I'm off to work to make $ to help support my ill mother.

Pune/Indai 09:30:47

Feeling very proud of Jay Shete and Shreyas Kulkarni for their courageous and noble act two days ago. While going to BATU, they spotted a car turned over in the Tamhini valley near Pune. Unlike typical Indian behavior nowadays, they not only stopped and checked if someone was hurt, but called the Police, waited till help arrived from nearby villagers, and also helped rescue at least one injured person fallen deep down in the valley. Because of their sense of humanity and civic duty, two injured survived, although one could not be saved . Great Act Boys!!

London/England 18:41:28

I saw lots of wrappers and papers littered around the local post office so I scooped them all up and put them in the bin. This was just a small deed but it saved someone else from doing it at the end of a long day!

Day/America 19:30:39

Just on my Summer Holidays but I am remaining back in college to help as a volunteer for one of the colleges largest events. Pen and Pixel. So far I've helped by cutting, sticking,mounting Images,drawing, painting, photos, etc.

London/England 13:41:44

I sponsored a friend's Moonwalk, London 2014, for charity. I donated what I could. She received so many donations that she almost double her target amount! She completed the walk 26 miles in 8 hours. Such kindness for a great cause.

Harrogate/England 01:10:27

I'm 15 years of age, and was on the train when I idiotically missed my stop. Panicking as I had no money left and with a hefty suitcase full of books I was unsure what to do all the while in the realisation that I was headed to a city I knew nothing about, nor had any means to get home by, when a American women who I did not know sat next to me offered me ten pounds to get the train back, I reluctantly took five pounds off her and was able to travel home safely, and luckily managing to get off at my correct station. I wish I had had time to properly thank this woman for her generosity offering to help me, and know I hope one day to repay the favour to another in trouble, and also perhaps learn to use the train system properly.

Lewes/UK 15:38:07

I was at the household tip today getting rid of some pretty heavy garden rubbish. I was struggling a bit and a fairly elderly man offered to help. I was grateful for his help - and he was delighted he could lift it!

Chelmsford /England 23:18:54

Today I visited Avebury. Historic and beautiful site. First stone I looked at I noticed a phone at the base.I picked it up, looked through phonebook and called 'mum'. Mum called the husband then husband and phone owner met me to collect phone. Very grateful. #PayItForward

Sydney/Australia 12:49:23

Today I was at Starbucks and saw a very rude customer speaking to one of the workers with attitude; telling him to remake her drink. After that, he did not smile. So I wrote him a note saying "Smile! =) Don't let rude customers get to you. Have a good night. Xoxo"

London/England 10:48:04

My boyfriend and I had a lovely meal at the weekend and our waitress was fantastic. She was very knowledgeable and helped us with anything we needed. As we left, as well as giving her a tip, we found the restaurant manager and told him how much we had enjoyed our meal and how pleased we were with our waitress.

San Marcos/USA 06:20:55

I was at Starbucks and watched two women talking and one of them started crying. It was so sad to see. Throughout there conversation she started briefly a couple times again. They were pretty far from me so I could barely hear anything. Only thing I did occasionally hear was this poor woman crying. So within 20 minutes, I drew a scene of both of them together sitting with their coffee and I wrote the words, "I hope this brings you joy and you have a brighter day." When I gave it to the somber woman, her day brightened instantly! Both women gave me a big smile and a big thank you. With a simple portrait of two women, I walked away knowing I just made her day a happier one.

Exmouth/UK 18:49:10

"Wheelchairs by Wings" On February the 27th, 2013 I received an email from someone asking for help providing a wheelchair for an elderly relative. The request had come from the remote village of Mbooni, Kenya. I met the challenge with the help of 3 total strangers. One donated a wheelchair, one flew them out (I donated one also) and another donated one from a disabled fellowship in Nairobi as they were touched I cared enough to help.

Longbeach/LA 14:21:56

I was sitting at grateful hearts it is a place you go to for help with food clothes and other things I was getting food they have a Christmas gift program so this family walked in asking abot the xmas program they asked a lady for help the one day from the family asked about help the lady said if you did not sgin on 10-06 or if you received help with in ayearso the did not the lady said therename was not on the list. So I asked the lady if my family name was on the list she said yes but h so she looked and my name was on the list she said yes so I said can they have my spot the lady said I have to ask my supervisor I hope they have a blessed Christmasme and my familwe'll have to

Maidstone/England 12:55:01

Earilier in the week I helped a lost comedian make his way to a gig he was late for even though it meant walking fifteen minutes in the wrong direction.

Mumbai/India 12:30:42

Me and my friends went around the neighbourhood picking up every single bit of trash we saw.

Miami/USA 06:50:12

About a month ago I witnessed a lady with a little boy walking under an over path. All of a sudden it began to rain. I noticed she stopped and looked startled. I thought Oh no, I have to help them. So I made a U-turn and drove up slowly towards the curve. I asked her if she needed a ride. She said she was taking her son to Palmetto Hospital for a check up. Its like 10 minutes away but on foot about 35 minutes. So I gave her my number and told her to call me when she's done since it started raining heavily. I gave her a ride to a bus stop but on the way I bought them Lunch at Wendy's. She said thank you so much you brightened my day today.

London/UK 11:22:42

I spend time with an elderly woman every Friday morning. She lives alone and is far from her family so I know she appreciates the company.

Huddersfield/England 20:03:43

Today in town I saw a homeless man had built a little enclousure for him self under some stairs and behind a box. I realise my deed was me being vulnerable but he was homeless. I bought some food and water and wrote a note. I left them in his shelter for him to return to.

Moscow Russia 19:21:33

Every Sunday me and my parents visit an orphanage and cook for the orphans and play with them and buy pens and books and stuff like that for them.

London/UK 07:35:16

To my amazing colleagues Elly, Louisa, Suzie and John who took hours of their own time to keep the elderly stranger company who fell over and waited for an ambulance for more than two hours. In the end they paid for a taxi to convey the gentleman to nearby St. Thomas. He's ok now and a good deed done.

Edinburgh/United Kingdom 13:19:55

I've started a Green Club at my school. Our first good deed was putting recycling bins in every classroom to make it easier for people to recycle. The club all volunteer our time and encourage everyone to be considerate to the environment. We want to help our school become more environmentally friendly.

Maidstone/England 12:50:53

My sports team is having a secret Santa this. The girl who I chose wrote this as her gift suggestion.... 'I've been a good girl this year, but I have everything I need, please make someone else happy this year and donate a gift to someone more in need' This has inspired me to join good deeds and make myself worthy of such a genuinely kind friend.

London/UK 09:41:32

I found £1 in the road. Put in my pocket. Had second thoughts and left on a parking machine for next user.

London/UK 16:58:26

A huge thanks to the lovely couple who stayed with me after I fractured my ankle on Saturday night. I'm an idiot and you are so kind.

Bolton/England 01:35:21

I was on my way back to Uni from London and the train was cancelled. I had to go back several stations and then get to my last station by a different route. I got talking to a lady and her son and when she found out there were no buses back to my Uni, she said she would give me a lift back. We shared a taxi back to her house and she drove me back to my Uni. I am so grateful to her. Thank you kind stranger!

Edinburgh /Scotland 21:30:45

Stuart, totally saved my last two months work by recovering files on my computer I thought were lost./

Winter Park/USA 04:20:55

Witness a guy paying for two strangers tap at a dry cleaners. Thought it was pretty nice.

Louisville/United States 04:32:28

This guy is wearing no shoes for A YEAR to raise money and collect new shoes for children that don't have the luxury of owning shoes.

London/UK 15:46:52

I would like to thank the very kind man who waited out in the cold to give away his spare ticket for the long queue at the Visa office, Goswell Road. It saved me a lot of time and his thoughtfulness and kindness to a stranger were greatly appreciated.

Cricklewood/England 16:05:27

Becky helped an old man who had fallen in the street. Took him to a nearby store and the good people of Barclays looked after him.

Puebla/Mexico 15:25:50

I helped a blind person to walk down the street and take the bus. Amazing feeling to help somebody.

London/ England 17:11:02

I spend time with an elderly woman every Friday morning. She lives alone and is far from her family so I know she appreciates the company.

London/England 11:37:11

I was travelling on the London underground this weekend and I saw a lady standing in front of me looking down at her foot. It was red and sore from her shoe. I searched my purse for a plaster and handed it to her. She was very grateful and it felt good to help a stranger in need. A man next to me saw this and told me how nice it was and wished me a good day. Kindness is contagious!

Raleigh USA 64:42:12

I gave 20 dollars to a homeless man when I was coming out of the convenience store.

Apex/USA 16:52:12

We went out for dinner the other evening and sat next to two local police officers for dinner. So I thought why not pay for their dinners. So we did just that. I went up to the owner and requested to pay for the dinner. The officers were completed surprised and appreciative of the thought. Theses special people sometimes put their lives on the line to protect others.

London/England 10:24:24

I was buying by breakfast this morning when I realised I was 20p short. I was about to leave when I heard a voice say "How much do you need?". Without a second thought he handed me the money. It was so kind and I will be thinking about it all day and every time I go into that coffee shop. Thank you stranger, we need more people like you in the world.

Maidstone/England 13:00:08

One of my friends was stuck outside her house in the rain because her front door was swollen shut. A kindly man stopped to help her open it and upon finding out the quote she'd been given to get it fixed offered to come back and do it for free.

London/England 00:23:21

To the taxi driver who found my wallet in his taxi the other morning, after dropping me off in the City, then drove all the way back to my place (address on the driving license) to drop it off for me at home: massive, grateful thank you. I wish you had left your name or reg number so that I could thank you in person; I hope you know though what a fantastic person you are.

Hatfield/England 08:19:33

Thank you to the man in St Albans that gave me his car park ticket as he was leaving and I was parking. Even saving £3 is always helpful and very thoughtful and kind!

Coventry/UK 19:13:68

I had been in a long queue at the supermarket checkout when I noticed an elderly couple behind me.They had a lot more items than me but they seemed to be struggling so I let them go in front of me even though i was in a hurry.

Maidstone/England 12:50:53

My sports team is having a secret Santa this. The girl who I chose wrote this as her gift suggestion.... 'I've been a good girl this year, but I have everything I need, please make someone else happy this year and donate a gift to someone more in need' This has inspired me to join good deeds and make myself worthy of such a genuinely kind friend.

Brighton/UK 21:01:43

I am a nervous flyer and yesterday I was on a particularly turbulent flight from Edinburgh to Gatwick. A lady and her son sat next to me and noticed my anxiety. They talked to me throughout the flight and distracted me by asking questions about my life and reassured me that everything that was happening was normal. They even bought me a cup of tea because ‘tea makes everything better’. I was so overwhelmed by how kind they were to a total stranger and I’m so grateful.

Arnside/UK 01:22:42

My friend just bought a small bag of Thornton's Chocolates and dropped them in my handbag after I spent all afternoon crying on her shoulder.

Cavan/Ireland 19:15:10

Seen people in groups holding free hugs sign and went about giving people group hugs leaving everyone happy and laughing

Maidstone/England 12:55:01

Earilier in the week I helped a lost comedian make his way to a gig he was late for even though it meant walking fifteen minutes in the wrong direction.

Oxford/UK 12:09:34

Having accidentally dropped my mobile phone in a taxi I was sure it was long gone. Having found it, however, the taxi driver not only went out of his way to contact me, but drove the 1 hour 20 minute round trip to return it, free of charge! He'd even attached a clip to make sure I couldn't lose it again! Lovely man!

London/UK 22:02:14

I would like to say a big thank you to the gentleman in Bank, who stopped today to ask me if I was okay. Also a big thank you to the generous young lady, Yas, who stayed with me and took the same train as me assuring me a place on the train. The pregnant lady.

Oldham/UK 09:14:17

I travel by bus, It's relaxing and gives me quiet time. The cost of a return ticket for me is £3 but I always pay £1 more for a day ticket which allows me to travel anywhere locally. So why pay MORE? well it's logical when you do what I do and it saves someone else money and makes them happy. When I have done my travels (usually by noon) I give someone else my ticket and because its a day ticket I know they can get to wherever it is they are going and in the process save £3-£4. It might not be a lot to me but it might to them. Also I have now convinced the missus and a number of friends to do the same.

Hatfield/England 21:44:43

Thank you to the man in st albans on the 19th october that gave me his car park ticket as he was leaving and I was parking. Even saving £3 is always helpful and very thoughtful!

Salt Lake City/USA 20:27:00

I am getting married this Saturday in a small town in Utah at a reception center. When I went to pay my bill, the owners of the reception center said that someone gave me a gift and paid half of my bill. What a wonderful thing to do! I feel so grateful and wish I could thank this amazing person.

Capetown/South Africa 22:03:52

I help a couple tonight, they stuck without petrol at the robot, so I helped push the car to the side of the road.I feel good. I decided to do more good in that way , by helping people in need. :)

BS/CH 00:18:05

When I can't sleep, I sometimes go on instagram, search the hashtag #helpme and leave encouraging words on some pictures.

Dorset/UK 18:29:31

I sent my friend some flowers and a funny card to cheer her up and she said it made her day :)

Bristol/UK 07:13:51

I donated my baby's clothing to our local shelter. It felt good and I want to do more. I am inspired by the goals of this website and want to achieve a good deed a day for the next year so your ideas are a big help.

London/United kingdom 22:33:47

My amazing dad,does good deeds daily. He cheers me up, makes me still want to be appart of the world, I have a had a shockingly traumatic life leaving me with complex PTSD and severe depression, and my dad has never given up on me even though I have got myself in bad situations as my self worth is very low. Even after holding a full time stressful job, my dad also does spiritual healing helping hundreds of people a year to have somthing every one needs, hope . I love you dad, to infinity and beyond, you truelly are incredible. Prue xxx

Los Angeles/United States 16:54:03

I recently donated approx 70% of my Liver..I saved a life, and the recovery was approx 6 weeks long..I just wanted to let others know that donating a piece of yourself to save a life is priceless...Over 60% of Liver patients, who are waiting for a Liver Die...The love for Man-kind is underrated...Sincerely Ed

Melbourne/Derbyshire 18:56:31

Sorted out a mountain of stuff to give to MIND charity

Melbourne/Derbyshire 18:55:57

Gave spare change to RNLI

Nashville/USA 05:56:03

A remarkable event occurred to me when I was attempting to buy gasoline. The pump was not reading my card despite several attempts at swiping it and a man walked up to me and asked if I needed help. He actually asked me "how much do you need?" I do drive a 27-year-old car and don't look like a millionaire but I was stunned by his generosity and caring spirit. I said I had the money, explained my difficulty and thanked him. There are plenty of wonderful people in Nashville and this world. Someone who actually needed help has probably gotten it from this fine man. As a cynical misanthrope myself it feels like a lesson I needed to learn.

Morayfield/Australia 07:35:45

I was very nice with a rude old lady in the market. She looked confused with my reaction and smile.

Portsmouth/UK 14:33:01

I borrowed some gorgeous dresses from a lovely colleague who kindly lent them to me; I gave her a bunch of flowers to say thanks and she was really touched. It made my day and I'm sure it made hers too.
